0086 - 937 - 8809499 (24h)

the geography of the silk road

by ray gonzales
historians look back at the events of the past and use them as a tool for analyzing the state of the world today. civilizations have dealt with...

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Badain Jaran desert -- curves of the god

The Badain Jaran Desert (Chinese: 巴丹吉林沙漠) is a desert in Alxa youqi ( in inner mongolia). which spans the provinces of Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia....

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Ethnic Groups & Religions on the Silk Road - Uygur

There are more than 15 local ethnic groups settel down for a long history and other over 30 ethnic minorities scatter over there along the Silk Road China. The...

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Mystery Lakes of the Badain Jaran Desert

No one is exactly sure why over a hundred lakes have formed amongst the tallest sand dunes on Earth. ...

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Hi - How much does this cost in RMB for two people mid August ?

Can you pls provide me some information on this tour? Is it available for 2nd week of jun?

Dear travel advisor, I could like it to take it this tour and mid November 2014.
Would you please contact me at my email address: vovancan@hotmail.com.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Dear,Manager.Please advise for 4days Dunhuang explore tour usd 349 start 29july2014.
2person ,my email   ruslilaurent@hotmail ,waiting for your good news.


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