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Diplomatic Envoys On The Silk Road

Among all kinds of travelers, diplomatic envoys, entrusted with the mission of establishing or furthering ties with distant lands, often played a more construct...

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Explorers On The Silk Road

The best-known Silk Road explorer is Marco Polo (1254~1324). He traveled to China via the Steppe Silk Road, spent 17 years traveling around China, and had been...

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Geographical Setting of the Silk Roads 1

by John Major The term Silk Road denotes a network of trails and trading posts, oases and emporia connecting East Asia to the Mediterranean. Along the way, bran...

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Geographical Setting of the Silk Roads 2

The Trans-Eurasian Steppe Belt
The Steppe Belt is a zone of rolling grassland, steppe being the Russian word for this kind of treeless, grassy plain. It extends...

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Geographical Setting of the Silk Roads 3

Northeast Asia
This region encompasses the rocky Shandong and Liaodong Peninsulas o fnortheastern China, southern Manchuria, Korea, and Japan. Its coast is line...

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Silk Textiles

P>Silk is a natural protein fiber that can be woven into textiles. It is obtained from the cocoon of the silkworm larva, in the process known as sericulture. Th...

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The steppe nomads and the silk road

From long before Han times, China’s contacts with the outside world had involved a combination of trade and military conflict. Chinese products like silk...

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The Silk Road Chronology

ca. 250 bce–226 ce
Parthian Empire rules Persia
221 bce
Qin Dynasty unites China
206 bce–220 ce
Han Dynasty rules China
Second century bce to second...

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Hi - How much does this cost in RMB for two people mid August ?

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Dear travel advisor, I could like it to take it this tour and mid November 2014.
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I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Dear,Manager.Please advise for 4days Dunhuang explore tour usd 349 start 29july2014.
2person ,my email   ruslilaurent@hotmail ,waiting for your good news.


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