Kazakh is a nation that with a long history,it was called the only nation have no pauper all over the world. The population of Kazakh is about 1800 million in t...
There are more than 15 local ethnic groups settel down for a long history and other over 30 ethnic minorities scatter over there along the Silk Road China. The...
The Hui nationality is the shorter name of "HuiHui" nationality, is a minority nation in China with large population, has originated in Tang dynasty, and finall...
Tibetan nationality is one of the 56 ethnic groups in China, is the aboriginals of Tibetan Plateau, which is a agricultural tribe originated from the Yalu Tsang...
The Tanguts (Xia) were a people of Tibetan origin, whose home originally was in the highlands of western Sichuan. By the middle of the ninth century, like the ...
Yugur is one of the 56 ethnic groups in China, with a small population, who call themselves “Yaohuer”. After the funding of New China, they were collectively ...
Nomads and nomadism have been intimately linked to Silk Road trade and culture since ancient times ("nomad" derives from Greek nomos, "pasture"), and, at the de...
ChrisHi - How much does this cost in RMB for two people mid August ?
BonnieWangCan you pls provide me some information on this tour? Is it available for 2nd week of jun?
CanVoDear travel advisor, I could like it to take it this tour and mid November 2014.
Would you please contact me at my email address: vovancan@hotmail.com.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
LaurensiusRusliDear,Manager.Please advise for 4days Dunhuang explore tour usd 349 start 29july2014.
2person ,my email ruslilaurent@hotmail ,waiting for your good news.
On February 11th, the 2025 Shandan Shehuo performance, titled "Revitalizing Inta...
<p>Dunhuang Saozi Noodles is a traditional noodle dish that originates from Dun...
<p>In early February, a group of special "visitors"—the Przewalski's hors...
The city's major tourist attractions were bustling with visitors who came to ex...
In traditional Chinese culture, the snake has a dual identity of auspiciousness ...
On September 3rd, at the 75th Executive Council Meeting of the International Com...